Pro Velo develops customized solutions to facilitate and strengthen the transition to cycling in Belgium, hence contributing to a better quality of life.

The mission: Lay the basis of a digital ecosystem

Support Pro Velo in their digital transition and set up a platform (tools) for the deployment of their future digital communication strategy.

Our attitude:

internet ≠ website / user-first / make-it-easy / Co-Creation / trust / have-fun-doing-it.

Action plan:

  • Create value for users through the existing product offering and develop "digital" services.

  • Facilitate the interactions with cycling and non-cycling communities through an open culture of exchange and interactions.

  • Accelerate the digital transition within Pro Velo by using simple, collaborative and dynamic tools.

Results - See for yourself

On, you will easily find a wide range of services to help you develop your own personal gentle mobility scheme (ie. Go with the wind, a smile on your face, on your 2-wheeler 😉 ). Whether you are cyclist or not, whether your are a citizen, a school or a company, you will find anything you need for a smooth onboarding for a future on two wheels.

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